8 things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

22 Sep 2021

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive


Last Updated on 24th December 2024 by anushka

With the rise of smartphones and internet users around the globe, everyone is connected to each other digitally and it has deeply impacted the advertising industry with the introduction of a new domain of marketing i.e. digital advertising. 

Today everyone must have heard about digital marketing & advertising and its popularity but still, there are many things you need to know about it. What are the reasons behind its success?

Digital advertising is a rapidly growing industry all around the world, in this fast-paced world when people have no time to pay attention to your brand or business because of overwhelming distraction digital advertising can become a powerful tool to form a connection with your target customer and it gives you a chance to stay ahead from your competitors. 

 If you own a business and want to grow it then you should definitely consider digital advertising. Either you can hire a digital advertising agency for your business or you can learn digital marketing yourself it depends upon your will and comfortability. 

Many institutes are working very hard to democratize this digital advertising education to the general people and students so they can contribute to this rapidly growing industry and therefore we want to show you amazing facts about digital advertising which you should know. 

To know more about Digital advertising join our free demo class on digital marketing.

Here’s a list of 8 things you need to know about digital advertising

1. Number of people on the internet and digital media

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

According to IAMAI-Kantar ICUBE 2020 report, India had approx 622 million active internet users in 2020 and this figure is expected to touch 900 million in the next five years. 

This vast increase in digital adoption by people creates an immense opportunity and potential for businesses to promote their offerings online and makes Digital advertising a convenient medium for marketing purposes. 

Businesses can select their target customers from this huge number of internet users according to their products or services or in a niche in which they are working. The vast population of internet users around the globe makes digital advertising one of the best and preferred forms of advertisement. 

2. Inexpensive advertising campaign

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

The affordable price of displaying advertisements on the internet and digital media makes digital advertising the most preferred choice for small business owners all over the world. 

You can literally start your advertising campaign on Facebook and many other social media platforms with a minimum amount of $1 a day. Affordability is one of the main factors that sets apart digital advertising from traditional advertising.

 Before digital advertising, if you have deep pockets like big brands then only you can promote your brand but with the rise of digital advertisement, you have equal opportunity to advertise your products and offerings to a wide number of people on the internet. 

3. Digital advertisements provides the best customer targeting

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

Another reason that differentiates digital advertising from traditional advertising is customer targeting. Digital advertising provides you the facility of targeting and selecting customers according to the nature of your products or services. 

If your product or service is only for males then you can choose to show your ads only to males and this type of targeting is almost impossible in any traditional advertising. 

Even if you sell products or services to a very small and specific niche, digital advertising provides you the way to display ads to people who belong to that specific niche and this also increases your conversion rate as ads are shown to people who already have an interest in your offerings.

4. Digital advertisements helps you increase brand awareness

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

Before the era of digital advertising, it was very hard for small and medium-sized businesses to build a successful brand as there were no proper means to communicate and form connections with people. 

But with the rise of digital media, businesses got the opportunity to increase their brand awareness among the consumers. You can promote your product or services in any part of the world and can increase recall value for your brand. You can run ads campaign on various digital platforms to increase awareness for your brand. 

5. Digital advertisements are trackable and measurable

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

The most magnificent thing about digital advertisements is that they are very easy to measure. You can track and monitor every campaign’s results which is very valuable for you as an advertiser and can further optimize and change your advertisement strategy by monitoring how customers are behaving and reacting to the advertisement campaign. 

This monitoring and measuring of advertisement campaigns are not possible in any traditional advertising medium.

6. Digital advertisements facilitates geographical targeting

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

What if I tell you that you can promote your product and service in the United States by sitting here in India you won’t believe me but with digital advertising, it is possible not only in the United States but in any part of the world. 

You can literally target your ad campaign by geography. For instance, If you have a restaurant in a small town then you can run an ad campaign targeting people who live close to your restaurant in that particular town. Though Geographical targeting is possible with traditional advertising mediums it is not easy and specific as digital advertising.

7. Digital advertisements has a good return on investment

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

Return on investment (ROI) is the amount of return you get in exchange for your investment. Digital advertising has a high return on investment as compared to other advertising mediums.

 If you want good returns on the amount of money you have spent on an advertising campaign then digital advertising will be more appropriate for you. It is also easy to monitor every penny you spend on digital advertising campaigns.

8. Digital Advertisements provides you various mediums for marketing

8 Things you should know about Digital Advertising to thrive

Unlike traditional advertising, digital advertising provides various platforms and social media like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Twitter, Youtube, Quora, and hundreds of other platforms where people are hanging around, you can run your marketing campaign on these platforms.

The main thing to notice about these social media platforms is their vast user base. You can easily choose your target audience from this gigantic userbase. For instance, Instagram and Facebook have more than a billion users worldwide. Digital advertising is an easy way to reach this target audience and convey your marketing message.

All these platforms have their unique advantages and a smart marketer know how to use these platform and bring maximum return from their campaign. 


Now, after knowing these amazing and interesting things about digital advertising you must consider it for your business too or you will be left behind in this fast-paced world. 

Go ahead and use this tremendous opportunity to grow your business. If you want to learn more about digital advertising and marketing then you can join our courses on digital marketing.

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