15 Best Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas for 2024

18 Jul 2022

14 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2024


Last Updated on 23rd December 2024 by anushka

14 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2024

New years makes everything around feel so exciting and crazy!! 

It is almost like a festival that is celebrated by everyone in India. It comes up with new hopes and wishes. With this excitement and enthusiasm for doing something new, why not try some creative Social Media campaigns & Contest techniques in the coming year. New Year is a perfect time to launch festive marketing efforts.

Running a good Social media campaign and contest can bring good engagement, followers, and brand awareness to your brand. But the important part to take care of is planning the strategy for that campaign and contests.

Planning all these campaigns can get a bit overwhelming for you, But didn’t I tell you before? Not to worry about anything related to Digital Marketing when Digital Gurukul is there. Like we shared BEST INDEPENDENCE DAY SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS IDEAS with you we have got your New Year covered too.

Today I will be sharing a few amazing New Year social media campaigns and contest ideas for the year 2024. 

1- New Year, New You

14 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2024

People tend to make resolutions during the New Year, It is the most hyped conversation during that time. You can create a New Year Resolution contest where you can ask people to share their New Year’s resolutions with you and you can give them giveaways depending on how many likes, comments, or tags they have done. This giveaway can be your product or service to the top three contestants. This will create a huge engagement on your social media accounts.

2- Give away with reposting or tagging your friends

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

The easiest contest you will keep the more engagement you will get. In this contest, you can put some discount offer or product giveaway and ask people to tag as many friends as they can tag and repost your post on their profile. The winner will be the person who mentions more number of tags. This again is a very easy way to spread the word plus you can reach a lot of people just by one post.

3- Discount Campaign

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

Everyone like good deals and offers and during this time people go all crazy and look for the deal. Use this time for your branding the most you can. Put some crazy discount offers on your product or services over social media. 

Remember to keep it with a count down like, “limited time offer or”, “offer ends soon”, creating a FOMO will make people reach and buy soon. People tend to react quickly when they see some urgency. 

4- New Year’s Day Sale

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

Keep a sale just for a day or for an hour for the best of the product and services you have. Make sure you create a buzz about this sale from some time before so that people are aware. You can also make your product and service a surprise element for the time when the sale actually starts. This will create curiosity in the followers and you can end up having a good sale when the discount goes live.

5- Collab with Influencers

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

These days People follow a lot of social media influencers. It is definitely a good idea if you can collab with one such famous influencer who has a huge number of followers on social media. People definitely check and buy what is shared by influencers. It is again easy publicity and you can reach a huge number of people. It will help you increase your buyers and followers as well.

6- Welcome New Year on Social Media

14 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2024

Do you want your brand to be noticed? New Year or any other festival period is always a perfect time to do that. You can create a buzz about your products and services and how they can be used in the coming year. Wish people and share the new year’s vibe on your social media. People want to see something that cheers them up or makes them happy. Make your profile go all celebration for the coming year.

7- It’s the right time to Launch something New

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

Welcome the coming year with a lot of surprises and BANG! It is a perfect time for you to Launch a new product or service. Make it look exciting and how it can be beneficial for them in the coming year. Make an upcoming year calendar of the sales or offers or something that you might come up with in the year. Let people create some aim during the time they are making most of their resolutions.

8- Create a Hashtag Giveaway Contest

14 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2024

Hashtags are the most explored and used segment on social media these days. You can create your New Year’s hashtag and start a contest like- Share an image or video of you achieving your new year resolution and put you as a hashtag on it. Or Your family picture during a new year celebration or any New year celebration picture with your hashtag in it and the best one will win a giveaway. People are most excited and curious about the giveaways. It is a good way to increase followers and engagement on your social media.

9- Puzzle the New Offer

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

Not some boring posts about sales or discounts but you can be a bit creative here. Your aim is to engage people with you more. You can create a silly video, or a GIF, or you could create a puzzle for them to solve to unveil the details of the offer! This is something your followers are not expediting. Surprise your followers and tell them you are not like others and give a reason to stick!!

10- Host an Event

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

Who does not want to enter the New Year with a celebration? Host an event where you invite the best of the crown who can spread a good mouth and social media publicity for your event. This will create a huge brand awareness. You can host an event online and offline both to celebrate your followers and people related to you.

11- Let your Website Shout out loud for New Year

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

Let your website show the new year’s enthusiasm. It creates a positive attitude for the viewers or for the people who visit your website. Get the New Year’s backdrop on your website if any social media page. The more festive spirit the more people will be attracted to your websites.

12- Create a Countdown

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

Countdown is a good way to gather your audience’s attention, It can be a countdown for your new launch or a countdown for New Year, or anything you are planning in the honor of new years eve. It will create excitement in your followers and make them engage in your social media accounts even more.

13- Ask Questions

15 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2022

Another superb way to attract or engage with your followers is to ask questions. This is how you can know more about your followers and what they expect out of you. You can ask them about what new they would like to see in your business, suggestions, and ideas for new services in the upcoming year. It will start a new conversation with your followers.

14- Let them sneak peek 

14 Best New Year Social Media Campaign & Contest Ideas For 2024

Here you are not selling anything. You are making them connect with you. You can share a “sneak peek” video of your workspace. Show them what efforts people make at your office from behind to make everything look good outside, to fulfill the demands and needs of the customers. Let your followers feel like insiders. Show them your New Year’s office and the enthusiasm behind all the content and posts you share online. This will help you to create some buzz for your business with zero investment.

Your company should enter the New Year with a Bang! Using the curiosity of New Year’s time you can create a huge buzz in marketing by just keeping your social accounts active and engaged. 

I hope you liked the ideas and if you use any of these ideas you can definitely tag Digital Gurukul Metaversity on your Instagram handle- digital_gurukul

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