Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

12 Jun 2022

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

So, You are planning to start writing your blogs? Or you already are but not getting enough visitors to your blog? 

I am pretty sure you are reading many tips and tricks on how to do it? There are a lot many ifs and buts? And everyone is giving you different suggestions?

Damit!! That is so confusing, Maybe you should just forget it!!!

Well, Hold Up! I will share just 25 successful blogging tips that will 101% work in 2022 and will help you increase your visitors. 

I promise to keep it simple and easy to understand. Sounds good?

Here are the tips to follow : 

1- Choose a Platform – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

It is very important to find out where to write before what to write about. There are many options for blogging including free options such as TypePad, Blogger, and  WordPress. WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms as it is very user-friendly. I prefer WordPress as it was very convenient and easygoing for a beginner. 

2- Pick a successful blog topic

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

First and foremost pick a topic that you will enjoy writing about or that you are knowledgeable about. You might not know a lot of things about it, but it’s ok to do a lot of research on the topic as well. 

The more you know the better the blog will look. 

If you are planning to make money out of your blog, there are two things you have to take care of:-  

i) Are other similar blogs making money? If yes, then go for it but write something they have not written already.

ii) health & fitness, interior decor, beauty and fashion, and food and craft products are all examples of profitable blogging topics. Answer the public is a page that will also help you to find the best topic as well.

3- Keyword Research –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

When you are sure about what you are going to write about in your blog the next and most important thing to do is keyword research. Keywords will help people reach your blog easily. It is very important to use written keywords in your blog which makes it an integral part of blogging. Use Google Keyword Planner to find the appropriate keyword for your blog based on its popularity and usage. Keep a note that you do not want to use the keyword in access as it will result in keyword stuffing, prefer to use the keyword in your blog at least 6-10 times. 

4-  Set goals –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Some people Blog just for fun but if you are blogging to make money or it is your full-time business, you must set some goals for your blogging page. 

Start with smaller goals and eventually shift to bigger goals, setting goals will help you to be on track and keep a watch over your progress. 

5- Pick the perfect blog name – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Take time to choose the perfect name for your blog. The blog name is the first thing that people notice in your blog, so it has to grab people’s attention if you want them to check out your entire blog. 

Choose a creative but relatable name for your blog so that people can feel related to the name and instantly click on the name. 

There are a few apps that can help you in generating the names- 

i) nameboy

ii) Zyro and many more.

6- SEO friendly themes –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Make sure to choose an SEO-friendly theme. There are many types of themes available on all the platforms you blog on. You have to pick a theme that will resonate with your blog topic the most. You have to put a lot of effort into your theme and customize the theme if it is necessary. The theme will decide the basic mood and vibe of your website and your blogs.

7- Social Plugins – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Always always plugin your social media platforms on your blog page as it makes your brand look complete and also easy for the audience to reach you. It will also increase engagement on your other social media account or any other platform.

Backlinks have been important for Google right from the start. It is an important ranking factor as well. 

Do not link unnecessary backlinks to your blog, people should not find it irrelevant to the topic. The backing should be done very smartly.

8- Audience Engagement – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Interacting with your audience is very very important. It will not only help SEO rankings, but also it will attract more similar interested people to your blog. Motivate people to comment, like, or share your blog. 

If you want to engage the audience on your blog make sure you do not create a complicated or lengthy process for the same. The comments should be a very easy and simple process for them. 

9- Develop an engaging writing style – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

The more people enjoy your writing, the longer they will stay on your page. The longer the people stay will be the more positive impact on your SEO as well. 

So you need to develop an engaging writing style. You need to make your blog interactive which will raise questions or discussions or give examples relating to real-life events in a very healthy manner. 

It will also attract them to comment and engage more on your blog. 

10- Make your blog posts easy to read –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

It is not only about what your write it is also about how you write it. You have to be very careful about the fonts and formats you write your blog in. 

Do not write huge paragraphs or maybe a huge blog. If the topic is way too long then try to divide it into two parts that to in a very creative manner. 

Use lots of headings and subheadings. It will help you to break your text and make your page easier to read. 

One of the most important things to add to your blog is images. A large part of your brain is dedicated to visual processing. The appropriate and related images will attract the readers and they are always eye-catching. 

11- Add an SSL certificate – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Let me first tell you what is an SSL certificate? 

An SSL certificate is a bit of code on your web server that provides security for online communication. When a web browser contacts your secure website, the SSL certificate enables an encrypted connection. 

In short, it helps to protect your webpage. 

You will get this SSL certificate while you purchase your website for example GoDaddy. 

12- Optimise your Blog for search engines- 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Your blog needs to be fast. If your website is slow then SEO might get affected. 

Few tips- 

1- If you are using WordPress you can add the plug-in WP total cache or WP Rocket.

2- optimize your images.

3- write search engine-friendly Titles. 

There are many more such plug-ins or techniques you can use to Optimise your Blog. This will result in more traffic to your blog. 

13- Make your website easy-

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Your website should be really easy to navigate for visitors. Make it something you would like to see as a visitor. 

In the beginning, it should cover the main things you have to offer the visitors at first glance – 

For Example – You can see the website of Digital Gurukul where all the information is mentioned in such a way that as soon as a person opens the website they can easily see all the options in front of them 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

14- Write great content – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022
  • Make sure your blog can answer the questions readers are finding online. 
  • Write in a very lively manner to keep your blog positive.
  • Jot down the format you want to write your blog in and then write the blog.
  • The title of the blog should give an idea of what the vlog is about, it should be relevant. 
  • Try and cover most of the information required regarding the topic. 
  • Do your research on what readers are searching for the same. 

15- Keep a track of your readers –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

It is very important to keep track of where your web traffic is coming from. Use a free tool such as Google Analytics for tracking. 

It is a very easy tool for keeping track of your website and blogs. 

16- Keep it error-free – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

The blog you write should be error-free. Keep a check on your grammar and spelling. One very useful tool for this is Grammarly chrome extension. It will instantly detect your grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and even give you suggestions for the same. 

17- Plagiarism –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

DO NOT COPY AND PASTE or even try to copy your content from any other websites, If you are writing any blog make sure you write it yourself. It is ok to get an Idea from other websites but not copy. Few websites might have copyright for their content and it is very easy to find if your blog is copied. There are a lot many free websites that can help you to find out if the blog is Plagiarised for example – Duplichecker.

18- Keep a user-friendly WordPress theme – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

The WordPress theme should match your blog content.

The theme should be eye-catching yet simple at the same time. A good WordPress theme will make your blog look great and it will be an add-on for readers for a better experience while reading your posts. 

Your WordPress theme should be mobile-friendly which will make your blog look great on all devices. 

19- Introduce yourself –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

The readers should know who is the owner of the website and the blogs. You should add one section ” About us ” there should be one photo of yourself and information about who you are and it will make readers feel more connected to your blog. 

Here is an example of one website of Digital Gurukul :

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

20- Be consistent –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Make a planned schedule for your blog posts and stick to it. Your blogs should be published timely in a certain period. Make sure the gap is not too long between the two blogs. Your readers should be aware of what is coming up next and when it is going to be online. It will help and keep your readers connected otherwise you will lose your readers. 

It is also not necessary to post daily. It should be quality over quantity. 

21- Use Canva –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

To add creative logos, images and headings you can use Canva. The more attractive your page looks the more time people will spend on your blog. It will just not increase the views but also the shares. 

You can create a branded featured image for your blog which makes your posts instantly recognizable. 

22- Optimize your images –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Resize large images so that it will not slow your website. But how can you do it without disturbing the pixels? 

Here are a few free plugins for WordPress –

  i) image optimizer 

  ii)  eWWW Image Optimizer

  iii) Compress JPEG & PNG Images 

All of these image optimization plugins will optimize the photos on your website so that your WordPress website is speedier. 

23- Add Alt Text to your images – 

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

Once you upload an image on your blog you should add alt text to it so that Google knows what the image is about. 

Steps- i)  control-click on image

            ii) select options to show more settings

            iii) on the right side a panel appears which will show you the option of alt text. 

24- Post about your blog on Social Media –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

It is one of the easiest ways to promote your blog. Post about your blog on your social media profiles along with links. 

You can create social media accounts for your blog, instead of using your personal account. 

25- Enjoy the process –

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

The most most important part of the process is to enjoy your work. 

Blogging can be a bit hectic but it is also fun! 

If you are a beginner, you have to give yourself some time and slowly and steadily enjoy the process. Your hard work will pay you back. Till then just enjoy Publishing all the efforts you have done. 

Aaannnddd that’s a wrap!

We tried to sum up a few simple and important steps for blogging tips. 

Websites are like an ocean in themselves the more you dive into them the deeper you will find them.  You can always learn some new tricks to make it simple and make your blog more engaging. 

Do not stop learning but do not stop enjoying as well!!  

If you are a beginner you can also have a bit more knowledge about the website creation through – Digital Gurukul 

Do share what tricks you used to get your blog up and running. Happy Blogging!!!

Top 25 successful blogging tips that will 1001% work in 2022

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