Koubek Token and the future of Education

01 Jul 2022

Koubek Token and the future of Education


Last Updated on 25th July 2022 by gursheen

About Koubek

Koubek Token and the future of Education

Koubek is Asia’s 1st Education Metaverse-based Crypto project. The Koubek Crypto Project has a mission to transform the future of the education system through a revolutionary blockchain project. Decentralization allows Koubek to flourish as a 100% community-driven Education Metaverse project. Since the day of launch Koubek has seen increasing holders and rapid growth. 

With progress plans developed with intense brainstorming of the whole team for more than 10 months, Koubek stands as a solid milestone in this progressive, exciting age of a new Education based ecosystem. 

Koubek in their time of need also stood firm with the students of Ukraine. Koubek Crypto Project even announced that – 25% of all the proceeds from buying Koubek Tokens from the website would be donated towards the same cause so as to provide practical and meaningful education support for the students of Ukraine. 

It is also important to know for investors that Koubek is a safe design. Total transparency is one of the highest priorities of the Koubek team. 


Koubek Token and the future of Education

Koubek means in Czech “Extreme in fortune, health, and spirituality”. 

Koubek was released on May 22, 2021, on the Binance Smart Chain network. 

Koubek is a result of some very experienced people who sat together for almost 10 months to develop a safe token for the community. 

Some members of Koubek Token are – 

1- Jay Wetzel – Operation supervisor

2- Dr. Raj PadhiyarMarketing, Communication, and Investor relations

3- Kaustubh Joshi – Digital Marketing Manager

4- Sue Castle – Software engineer and development

5- Paul Wright – Senior Full-stack Development

6- Amit Deshmukh – Community Head

7- Denis Gillespie – Head Product

8- Marcin Kozlowski – UI/UC Specialist

Apart from this Koubek team also includes various departments like Administration, Marketing, Media, Software/Web Development, and many more. 

Koubek Token has seen three major phases in the period. Which are as follows – 

Koubek Token and the future of Education

Phase 1 is from 01/01/2022 till 25/02/2022

This was the phase where the Koubek token almost reached 1000 holders. Landmarks that Koubek Token reached in this phase were –

– Website and branding

– Social Media channels

– Pre-sale of KBK

– Add Bscscan logo + social profiles

– Multisig community wallet

– TechRate audit 

Phase 2 is from 25/02/2022 till 15/03/2022 in which Koubek Token reached 10,000 holders and the landmarks achieved in this phase were- 

– Listings on price tracking sites (CoinMarketCap, Blockfolio…)

– Website redesign

– Donations and Associations for Education Initiatives

– Official Koubek NFTs and media 

– KBKTracker

– KBKCharts

– CoinsBit Listing

The last phase was phase 3 which was 15/03/2022 and onwards upon reaching 20,000 holders and a lot of achievements happened in this phase- 

– WHITEBAIT Listing – 6th May 2022

– Influencer and marketing funding

– KBKStudio

– NFTMarketplace 

– KBKUniversity 

– KBKStore

– KBKFund

– KBKGames

– Education Initiatives and partnership

– Listings on major CEXs

– Governance token process/evolution of the project

The rise of Koubek Token was divided into this three-phase till date and the intention is to keep on growing and earn more and more trust of buyers/investors.

The Core Features of Koubek

Koubek Token and the future of Education

Secure – 

Koubek token is totally secure as it has verified contracts, doxxed Devs, locked liquidity, and community-driven

Liquidity Accumulation – 

2% fee on sell trades, added to the liquidity pool by smart contract locked forever. 

Redistribution – 

$KBK offers the redistribution at 4% static rewards. 

Centered around Education – 

Centered around Education as a pivot point to ensure that all $KBK Coin falls under the transformation future of education. 

75% Token Burnt –

A deflationary token creates scarcity of the token in the long term.

Community driven – 

Community-driven as the key decision will be made based on community consensus. 

Koubek Store and Koubek Pay – 

Launch of EXCLUSIVE E-Commerce store for the World’s innovative D2C Startups to list their products/ services where payment would be exclusively done through KBK Pay. 

Play2Earn (P2E) Gaming – 

In Koubek Ecosystem – $KBK will be a multi-utility ecosystem token that players can earn through both PvE and PvP game modes, as well as through stalking. The token can be traded through a traditional DEX and on Koubek’s in-game marketplace. 

NFT Marketplace – 

According to Hindu mythology, there are 33 Koti gods in heaven who are under the rule of their king God Indra. UNDER Koubek Eco-System NFT Series all the supreme powerful gods would be created under Koubek Ecosystem with $KBK Token. 

Koubek Studio – 

An entertainment division under Koubek Ecosystem where all the education and entertainment events across the world will have $KBK as a joining/reward token. 

Koubek University – 

Koubek is centered around Education and it aims to launch a launchpad for all the educators across the world to create and launch their courses and earn a revenue of $KBK. 

Koubek Token sale has grown rapidly since its launch, and we received the support of 7000+ investors in 12+ different countries.

How to buy Koubek Token?

Koubek Token and the future of Education

Here is a very descriptive youtube video that will help you guide step by step by Dr. Raj Padhiyar- How to buy Koubek & Setup Wallet (In Hindi)

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