27 Jan 2021

Top 21 Interview questions & answers for Online Reputation Management – Updated January 2021

Top 21 Interview questions & answers for Online Reputation Management - Updated January 2021

Reputation management means maintaining the integrity and standing of a respected value. Online reputation management refers to maintaining the standing and brand value of brands and products online. The ORM also deals with tackling negative comments about the brand effectively.

In this article, you will learn the most top asked question-related to Online Reputation Management which would help you to understand and ace the interview effectively. Following are the quick questions with their simplified answers.

Question 1: How do you define Online Reputation Management?

Answer: ORM is to manage online reputation upon social media and sites which refers to what people speak about your brand or how others perceive your brand when the brand they search for or pitch upon it online. It is a proactive position that how a company is presented online to the customers.

Question 2: List 4 essential steps OF ORM?

Answer: -Monitoring the risk for web

               -Claiming of business listings

               -Responding to We customer feedback

               -Engaging customers through relevant content

Question 3: Does Google show negative articles in search results?

Answer: We can’t predict the Google algorithm, it does not know the specific need of individual users So it shows every relevant information assorted on the internet to satisfy the demand of each user as much as possible. It may, unfortunately, includes negative reviews about your brand which you don’t want them to see 

Question 4: Highlight Customer review benefits?

Answer: Review of the customer is very crucial for the branding and the reputation management of your brand because it is the best way to convert a stranger to your customer.

Question 5: Best ORM strategy?

Answer: As you are doing reputation management online first you have to set up a blog or a website to broaden your online presence then secondly you have to be active on a social media platform and pay special attention to your social media blogs and keep the blog updated with your all brand products or services offered online. It is essential to protect and motivate your key employees and have proper tracking and acknowledgment of online reviews by your customers. Try to keep your blog updated regularly with relevant content based on your product and brand. Listening to your customer’s query and concern is essential for best customer services, it is possible when you respond genuinely, quickly, and efficiently with refraining from any online arguments.

Question 6: How does the reputation of the CEO link with the reputation of the business itself?

Answer: As CEO is the head of your business, he has a much more substantial impact which is more than with the company itself which is up to 70%. His reputation depends above all on the strategic competence, credibility, communication skills, and image in the market with the customer orientation, quality of products and service as well as its capacity for innovation.

Question 7: What are the causes of a bad reputation?

Answer: Bad Reputation diminishes the image of the brand in the market, there are three main leading causes of bad reputation which include attitude, behavior, and lack of professionalism and there is no easy or short way to fix any of the causes. 

Question 8: List types of Reputation Management?

Answer: Reputation attack, public relations, online reviews, Social media management, Search Engine Optimisation, content removal, spambots,  negative Search Engine Optimisation

Question 9: What happens if the company would face a bad reputation?

Answer: It is okay for a company to face downfall but assure a strong comeback. Online reputation can ripple through a company affecting not only just the sales but the image in the market. It can cause employee retention crises and will have negative press where employees don’t apply.

Question 10: How can you improve your social media reputation? 

Answer: You can improve your social media reputation by behaving professionally and responding directly with empathy and showing willingness. Build a positive brand image with relevant content and sharing the brand’s story like hiring, volunteering, a charitable donation, and organizing events. Respond to every positive or negative review equally which is mentioned on your social media handles.

Question 11: How to tackle fake google reviews?

Answer: Fake Google reviews can cause an image and it has to be fixed in a timely manner. Observe the situations for better handling, dispute fake reviews with Google my business if proven fake, inappropriate, and inaccurate for example spam and fake content or prohibited content. Respond to the negative review as soon as possible and keep track of fake reviews for the future and counter negative reviews with a positive one.

Question 12: What are the ORM strategies?

Answer: Search Engine Optimisation,  best content creation,  review management, social media management,  third party website monitoring

Question 13: Where do you see reputation management business in the upcoming year?

Answer: Reputation management business will be the bigger trend in the future especially for long-term sustainable business with Search Engine Optimisation. It helps your brand for online presence in the market with the quick fix for lousy content to an ongoing brand management process.

Question 14: List OR monitoring tools?

Answer: Brand 24, Youscan, Google alerts

Question 15: What is the impact of customer reviews?

Answer: It helps strangers to become a customer and provide a company honest reviews to flourish. It can increase the percentage of lifetime value customer base increase your blog post share because 92 % out of a hundred percent of customers are more prone to purchase a product after leading a positive online review.

Question 16: What are the top customer review sites?

Answer: Google my business, Amazon, TripAdvisor,  Yahoo, Facebook, Instagram LinkedIn, Twitter 

Question 17:  How can you check Online Reputation?

Answer: It is very important to monitor and protect the online reputation, we can monitor online reputation in many ways like monitor review sites, Google alerts,  manage social media comments and engagement, manage blog page review,  verify true customers and ask them for their feedback. 

Question 18: How can you improve ORM?

Answer: Be transparent and build up trust with your customers, Engage them with good communication skills,  Be real and empathetic and respond to your customer’s queries. Show your availability and build up social trust and do great things like picnics, charities culture works, press and media release and any event organizer. Give priority to your blog and share user-generated content related to your product with smart tools to track your reputation. Be friends with social influencer and showcase customer testimonial on your website or blog page 

Question 19: How can you remove a negative review?

Answer: Firstly you should not be panicking, act very calmly, analyze the negative review of its source, and the situation. Be quick for the decision and be responsive within 24 hours but be sure to keep your response brief and short with politeness. If the review seems flagged for removal and rectify the situation immediately.  to avoid using any keyword or your company name anywhere in your response because you would not like this review to rank. 

Question 20: How much time would you require to fix customer’s problems or negative reviews? 

Answer: It depends how the big issue is  because to change completely from the Google search results because Google  does not change the search results very quickly we used to shake up the search within 3 months only then we need to change it to 6 months and now it takes around 9 months to make a significant impact on Google search result

Question 21: Why does it matter if someone thinks or says about your company or your brand?

Answer: It matters because if you know that your company is excellent then you should showcase your company presence online. Create the first impression on your customer because here strangers become customers,  try to fit yourself in customer’s shoes to provide exactly what they want. That’s how you build up social trust. 

Hope you found this article valuable. Thank you

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